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Introductory course on pharmacometrics modeling and simulation with MonolixSuite @PAGE2023

on 6 January 2023

Introductory course on pharmacometrics modeling and simulation with MonolixSuite

Monday 26 June 2023 – entire day

If you want to start using Monolix for your popPK/PD modeling, or you have already started and want to become a more confident user, then this course is for you. We will teach you all you need to know to develop, diagnose and interpret population models for your PK/PD datasets. After a reminder on the key concepts of the population approach, we will show you how to format your dataset, do a first exploratory data visualisation, set up a model in the Monolix GUI and analyze the run results. Modeling workflows and strategies will also be discussed. Finally, we will teach you how to simulate new scenarios with Simulx.
Better understanding and confidence comes from practice. You will improve it during an interactive and guided hands-on session on a typical PK/PD dataset – an opportunity to immediately apply new skills with the help from the Lixoft team.

Temporary licences for the MonolixSuite will be provided.

This is an in-person workshop taking place in A Coruña (Spain), as a satellite event of the PAGE conference.
Registration form available at the bottom at this webpage.


[AM] Introduction to Monolix and Simulx:

  • Reminder on the population approach
  • Dataset formatting and data visualization
  • Parameter estimation and model diagnostic with Monolix
    • Model definition using the library, the macros or ODEs
    • Description of the several tasks/algorithms
    • Model diagnostic and improvement using the graphics
    • Automatic covariate search procedures
  • Project management with Sycomore
  • Simulation of new scenarios with Simulx

[PM] Hands-on: modeling and simulation of a PK/PD dataset

  • Data exploration
  • PK-PD modeling in Monolix
    • project setup
    • stepwise structural PK model development
    • stepwise statistical PK model development
    • custom PK/PD model writing using the mlxtran language
    • graphical model assessment: Convergence, Diagnostic plots / Predictive checks
  • Simulation of new scenarios, in particular new dosing regimens

Main instructor

Dr Monika Twarogowska joined Lixoft in 2019 as Applications Manager. She has multidisciplinary knowledge, confirmed by a double master degree – in Applied Physics (Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland) and in Mathematical Engineering (University of L’Aquila, Italy) – and Ph.D in Applied Mathematics (University of L’Aquila, Italy), and academic research experience in mathematical modelling in biology, simulations and programming gained in Inria-Sophia Antipolis, Ens-Lyon and CNR-Rome. Her results are focused, on one side, on modelling biological phenomena ranging from formation of stem cells clusters and tumour growth to intracellular movements of molecules and gene expression patterns, and on the other side, on quantitative analysis and development of simulation tools.

Price per person

The prices are VAT exempted, it will be added if applicable.

Introductory course on pharmacometrics modeling and simulation with MonolixSuite 
Industry: 600€ – Academia: 300€  (total price for one workshop)

Introductory course on pharmacometrics modeling and simulation with MonolixSuite + second workshop on Tuesday 27
Get a 50% discount on the second workshop you register to!
Industry: 900€ – Academia: 450€  (total price for two workshops)


A Coruña (Spain), precise venue to be announced.

Workshops @PAGE registration form

Geraldine CelliereIntroductory course on pharmacometrics modeling and simulation with MonolixSuite @PAGE2023