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Tumor growth inhibition (TGI) modeling with MonolixSuite @PAGE2023

on 6 January 2023

Tumor growth inhibition (TGI) modeling with MonolixSuite

Tuesday 27 June 2023 – entire day

This training will give you the keys to confidently and efficiently work on tumor growth data in Monolix and avoid common pitfalls. During this workshop, we will provide an overview of the most common TG and TGI models (included in a modular Monolix library), their key characteristics and discuss guidelines for the modeling of tumor growth and tumor growth inhibition data. Use of custom user-defined models and methods for VPC bias corrections will also be shown.
The workshop will alternate lectures and interactive hands-on sessions, using real dataset examples to show how to model tumor growth data with Monolix, including how to choose a first model depending on the data characteristics, estimate the parameters and diagnose the model. Joint modeling of PK, tumor growth and time-to-event such as survival data will also be demonstrated.

Participants are expected to have a basic knowledge of Monolix. People new to Monolix are invited to follow the workshop “Introductory course on pharmacometrics modeling with Monolix” on the previous day. Temporary licences for the MonolixSuite will be provided.

This is an in-person workshop taking place in A Coruña (Spain), as a satellite event of the PAGE conference.
Registration form available at the bottom at this webpage.


[AM] Tumor growth inhibition concepts

  • Introduction to tumor growth and tumor growth inhibition modeling concepts, presentation of the usual models and their underlying assumptions, and different ways to encode the treatments
  • Hands-on: exploration of different tumor growth inhibition models using Simulx
  • Guidelines for the choice of a model depending on the data
  • Demo: setup of a tumor growth model in Monolix, model estimation and diagnosis

[PM] Applications

  • Hands-on: development of a tumor growth inhibition model on a real data set, and use of the model to simulate new simulations
  • Advanced cases: Joint model of tumor growth with survival analysis and dropout, …


Dr Pauline Traynard joined Lixoft in 2017 as Applications Manager. She has a multidisciplinary background focusing on computational and systems biology. After a double engineering degree specializing in computational biology from Ecole Polytechnique and MINES ParisTech (Paris, France) obtained in 2012, she applied different mathematical formalisms to model biological rhythms as part of her PhD studies at INRIA and IBENS Paris, and prostate cancer as a postdoctoral fellow in Institut Curie.

Price per person

The prices are VAT exempted, it will be added if applicable.

Tumor growth inhibition modeling with MonolixSuite
Industry: 600€ – Academia: 300€  (total price for one workshop)

Tumor growth inhibition modeling with MonolixSuite + Introductory course on pharmacometrics modeling and simulation with MonolixSuite
Get a 50% discount on the second workshop you register to!
Industry: 900€ – Academia: 450€  (total price for two workshops)


A Coruña (Spain), precise venue to be announced.

Workshops @PAGE registration form

Geraldine CelliereTumor growth inhibition (TGI) modeling with MonolixSuite @PAGE2023