Longitudinal model-based meta-analysis (MBMA) models can be implemented using the MonolixSuite. These models use study-level aggregate data from the literature and can usually be formulated as non-linear mixed-effects models in which the inter-arm variability and residual error are weighted by the number of individuals per arm. We exemplify the model development and analysis workflow of MBMA models in Monolix using a real data set for rheumatoid arthritis (following publication from Demin & al (2012)). In the case study, the efficacy of a drug in development (Canakinumab) is compared to the efficacy of two drugs already on the market (Adalimumab and Abatacept). Simulations using Simulx were used for decision support to see if the new drug has a chance to be a better drug.
The full test case can be seen here. We present how to implement and analyze a longitudinal MBMA model with Monolix and Simulx along with global guidelines for the implementation of your project.