News & Events

PAGE Conference Satellite Workshops – MonolixSuite

on 15 February 2024

PAGE Conference Satellite Workshops

Pharmacometrics modeling & simulations using MonolixSuiteTM

Join us in Rome, Italy, for an immersive lineup of four workshops using MonolixSuite.  New to population modeling? Or seeking advanced techniques in modeling, simulations, or automation of complex workflows? We’ve got something for everyone.

Each course features lectures, hands-on sessions, tutorial materials and support from MonolixSuite experts.

Includes a free temporary licence for the whole MonolixSuite
REGISTER NOW and secure your spot! Links to the course descriptions and registration are below.


Monday 24 June 2024: 8AM – 5PM & Tuesday 25 June 2024: 8AM – 12PM

Whether you’re a novice in population modeling eager to start working on your PK and PK-PD projects, or an intermediate modeler aiming to boost your confidence and make strategic decisions, this course is for you.
Take your modeling skills to the next level. The advanced course is designed for modelers with intermediate knowledge of Monolix, who wish to better understand algorithms, implement complex models, and optimize strategies.


Tuesday 25 June 2024: 1 – 5PM

This training will give you the keys to confidently set up simulation scenarios and efficiently answer “what if” questions. No prior experience with Simulx is necessary.
This course is designed for professionals with at least basic knowledge about Monolix and Simulx, who seek to script their pharmacometrics workflows.
MonikaPAGE Conference Satellite Workshops – MonolixSuite