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Lixoft workshops at PAGE 2023

on 6 January 2023

Workshops at PAGE 2023
Lixoft is organizing 4 MonolixSuite workshops



Introductory course on pharmacometrics modeling with Monolix

Monday 26 June 2023 – entire day

If you want to start using Monolix for your popPK/PD modeling, or you have already started and want to become a more confident user, then this course is for you. We will teach you all you need to know to develop, diagnose and interpret population models for your PK/PD datasets. After a reminder on the key concepts of the population approach, we will show you how to format your dataset, do a first exploratory data visualisation, set up a model in the Monolix GUI and analyze the run results. Modeling workflows and strategies will also be discussed. Finally, we will teach you how to simulate new scenarios with Simulx.
Better understanding and confidence comes from practice. You will improve it during an interactive and guided hands-on session on a typical PK/PD dataset – an opportunity to immediately apply new skills with the help from the Lixoft team.
More information and registration.

Advanced course on pharmacometrics modeling with Monolix

Tuesday 27 June 2023 – entire day

This training will give you the keys to move your modeling skills to the next level. It is designed for modelers with already a good knowledge of Monolix, who wish to i) better understand the methods, the algorithms and their options, ii) learn how to implement complex models, iii) improve their strategy for model building.
The course will consist of both lectures and interactive hands-on sessions with Monolix. A dedicated Q&A session is also included.
More information and registration.

Tumor growth inhibition (TGI) modeling with MonolixSuite

Tuesday 27 June 2023 – entire day

This training will give you the keys to confidently and efficiently work on tumor growth data in Monolix and avoid common pitfalls. During this workshop, we will provide an overview of the most common TG and TGI models (included in a modular Monolix library), their key characteristics and discuss guidelines for the modeling of tumor growth and tumor growth inhibition data. Use of custom user-defined models and methods for VPC bias corrections will also be shown.
The workshop will alternate lectures and interactive hands-on sessions, using real dataset examples to show how to model tumor growth data with Monolix, including how to choose a first model depending on the data characteristics, estimate the parameters and diagnose the model. Joint modeling of PK, tumor growth and time-to-event such as survival data will also be demonstrated.
More information and registration.

Target mediated drug disposition (TMDD) modeling with MonolixSuite

Tuesday 27 June 2023 – entire day

This training will give you the keys to confidently and efficiently work on TMDD data in Monolix and avoid common pitfalls. The course will provide an overview of the characteristics of the PK of therapeutic proteins, introduce TMDD modeling concepts (equations, approximations, and underlying assumptions), discuss guidelines for the development of TMDD models and examples of real datasets. Challenges specific to the modeling of TMDD will also be addressed. The workshop will alternate lectures and interactive hands-on sessions with MonolixSuite, including the exploration of the behaviour of TMDD models, and the step by step development and interpretation of a TMDD PK data set.
More information and registration.

Registration Form

Workshops @PAGE registration form

Geraldine CelliereLixoft workshops at PAGE 2023